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Ackland Art Museum, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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Buddhist Art in Asia
Learn about 12 Buddhist works of art in the Johnson Museum's collection. This website explores the rich visual language that Asian cultures have used to convey Buddhist teachings and the history of Buddhism from its beginnings in India and its spread throughout East and Southeast Asia. Click the picture to start exploring.

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Chinese Rubbings Collection of the Field Museum
For more than 1,500 years rubbings have been a vital medium for preserving China's art, culture, and history. These beautiful works are made by pressing thin sheets of wet paper into carvings or inscriptions cut in stone or other hard materials and carefully inking the surface to create a copy of the original. The resulting rubbing has white impressions where the paper was pressed into the carving surrounded by a typically black ink field. Because they are easily transported, rubbings quickly became the primary means to faithfully reproduce and share historical data, poetry, scholastic texts, calligraphy, and art throughout China.

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Five Faiths Project
Combines original works of art, photographs, storytelling and community events to introduce information about the world religions of Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam. For art-related teaching, see the subtopic Art On-line for links to five works of art from each of the five religious traditions.

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