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American Museum of Natural History

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Traveling the Silk Road: Take a Journey
An online "travel journal" to introduce visitors to the 2010 AMNH exhibition on the Silk Road. With an interactive series of articles covering "stops" in Baghdad, Samarkand, Turfan, and Xi'an. The section on Xi'an covers silk-making and music of the Tang-dynasty era.

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Vietnam: Journeys of Body, Mind & Spirit
Online presentation of a 2004 exhibition, with documentary photographs, art objects and accompanying text that guide the viewer through the following seven "journeys": 1) Time and Space; 2) Gods, Family, and Ancestors; 3) People and Goods; 4) Life and Death; 5) Heroes and Deities; 6) Other Worlds; 7) Through the Year. Includes link to an educator's guide to the exhibit.

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