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Asia Society

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The Mughal Court Paintings: Indian Artists and Techniques
An introduction to the materials and techniques of the Mughal court painters.

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A Museum as Time Capsule
Lesson plan focusing on using artwork or artifacts as resources to study history and geography. The example used in this lesson is a horse saddle from Mongolia, but any art object(s) or artifact(s) may be substituted.

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The New Way of Tea
Online presentation of a 2002 exhibition about chanoyu, the Japanese way of tea. Includes good background text on the history, principles, and process of the tea ceremony, as well as images of tea rooms and utensils from the exhibition.

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One Way or Another: Asian American Art Now
"One Way or Another: Asian American Art Now brings together seventeen artists from across the country who challenge and extend the category of Asian American art. The title of the exhibition, inspired by the 1970s Blondie hit, suggests that there has never been a formulaic way of making or seeing art, either back then or now. Instead, these artists initiate a new set of conversations that highlight the multidimensional ways of conceptualizing and producing art today."

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Pilgrimage and Buddhist Art
"Pilgrimage, a journey to a sacred place as an act of religious devotion, is important to many faiths. In Buddhism, the practice is especially significant. Pilgrimage and Buddhist Art is the first major exhibition to explore the relationship between Buddhist pilgrimage and Asian art. Through over ninety objects—including narrative paintings and sculptures, as well as mandalas, prayer wheels, and maps—from significant North American collections, this exhibition examines the ways in which Buddhist pilgrimage became the impetus for the development of new forms of art and visual culture as well as a source of inspiration to artists and craftsmen across Asia."

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Power and Desire: South Asian Paintings from the San Diego Museum of Art
Online presentation of a 2000-2001 exhibition of Mughal and Rajput court paintings from northern and western India from the 16th-19th centuries. The following topics are discussed: 1) The Royal Courts; 2) Rule and Domain; 3) Love and Longing; 4) Divine Realms. There is also a curator's essay and an essay discussing "the poetic image," as well as a guide to looking at South Asian paintings and a "Closer Look" analysis of a specific painting.

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Seeds of Creativity
For this 2002 exhibition students from seven New York City schools visited the Asia Society Museum and, guided by contemporary artists, made new creations based upon the works that inspired them. This online presentation displays selected student works alongside the artworks that motivated them. There is also a virtual tour of the exhibition gallery and an overview of the larger on-going project of which this exhibition is just a part. The seven featured artworks are: an Edo-period woodblock print of a Kabuki actor; two Edo-period folding screens depicting nature scenes; a Chola-period dancing Shiva sculpture; a 6th-century bronze Buddha from India; a Qing landscape; and an 8th-century stone Ganesha from India.

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Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove
"The Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove were a group of Chinese learned men from the third century CE. During a time of political upheaval, the group distanced themselves from governmental service, choosing instead to spend time engaged in Daoist-inspired discussions, poetry, and music, sometimes while inebriated. ... Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove, featuring traditional works of art from China and Japan, has been organized to accompany and provide some cultural context for Asia Society’s exhibition of Seven Intellectuals in a Bamboo Forest, the contemporary video work by Chinese artist Yang Fudong."

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