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Asian Art Museum of San Francisco

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Beliefs Made Visible: Religion and Art in South Asia
View the whole series of religious arts in South Asia.

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Beliefs Made Visible: Understanding Hindu and Buddhist Art in South Asia [PDF]
"Explore the basic tenets and influences of Hinduism and Buddhism throughout Asia. Special attention is given to the evolution of Hinduism and Buddhism in India, and the representation of these beliefs in sculpture and religious architecture (stupas, temples, caves, and so on). Includes lessons on the traditions of threshold art and handouts on the symbolic gestures of Buddhas."

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A Brief History of Samurai Armor
Learn about samurai armor in this video by exploring artworks in the Asian Art Museum’s collection.

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Brushpainting Demonstration with Artist Kong Pak-yu
Watch artist Kong Pak-yu demonstrate brushpainting at the Asian Art Museum.

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Brushpainting: Nature in Art School Program (selected resources)
This selection of resources introduces students to the vocabulary, techniques, and values of East Asian ink painting. Lessons and background information compliment the Brushpainting: Nature in Art school program at the Asian Art Museum. Includes download of visual guide. See also the video resource Brushpainting: Nature in Art.

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Brushstrokes: Styles and Techniques of Chinese Painting [PDF]
"Brushpainting, which includes calligraphy, landscapes, scrolls and fans, has been a major art form throughout Chinese history. This packet explores the history, development and significance of brushpainting in Chinese art. Includes discussion of painting and calligraphy techniques, and a comparison of painting styles."

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Bu and Bun: The Arts of War and Peace
In addition to superior strategic and military ability, most elite samurai were expected to be versed in the cultural arts. The warrior’s ideal balance of military and artistic skill is captured well in this description of the sixteenth century daimyo Hosokawa Yusai (1534–1610): “Renowned for his elegant pursuits, he is a complete man combining arts [bun] and arms [bu]. A man of nobility, a descendant of the sixth grandson of the emperor Seiwa, he was a ruler endowed with awesome dignity and inspiring decorum…He built a splendid castle, which was majestic, beautiful and high…He discussed Chinese poetic styles and recited by heart the secret teachings of Japanese poetry…" See also Archery Practice.

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Buddhist Caves at Ajanta
Learn about Buddhist caves. This is one of a series of caves excavated out of the volcanic rock that extends along a cliff overlooking the Wagora River at Ajanta, about two hours north of the present-day city of Aurangabad, in Maharastra state in western India.

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