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Asian Art Museum of San Francisco

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Chanoyu: The Japanese Art of Tea
The Japanese phrase Chanoyu, translated literally as “hot water for tea,” refers to the tradition of preparing and serving powdered green tea in a highly stylized manner. Learn more about this tradition. Download PDF on Japanese Tea Ceremony. See also Muromachi Period Tea (1338-1573) and Experience Chanoyu: The Japanese Art of Tea [PDF]

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China: The Glorious Tang and Song Dynasties [PDF]
From a workshop for Teachers. During the Tang (618–906) and Song (960–1279) dynasties, the Chinese empire enjoyed a blossoming of foreign exchange as trade expanded along the Silk Road and sea routes. In this era China also witnessed the flourishing of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism and saw the development of porcelain making and reproduction printing. This packet examines the trade, commerce, religion, philosophy, literature and art of these dynasties. Student handouts include readings and activities on Tang and Song dynasty literature, art and science. See also China: An Introduction to the Tang Dynasty (618-906) and China: An Introduction to the Song Dynasty (960–1279).

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China’s Terracotta Army
In groups, students will research and present information about the First Emperor’s accomplishments and legacy. Downloads of additional lesson plans and resources.

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Chinese Buddhist Cave Shrines
Explores ancient Buddhist cave shrines in China, including why the sites were created and the major sponsors and patrons. Includes 4 min video.

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A Confucian Scholar's House
An introduction to Korean Confucianism and related architecture. Download teachers packet "Three Settings of Traditional Korean Culture."

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Create a Lotus Lantern for the Lotus Lantern Festival
Students will: 1.) Learn that Buddhism is a religion founded by an enlightened young Indian prince who became the Buddha. 2.) Learn how the Buddha’s birthday, a national holiday, is celebrated in Korea. 3.) Discuss how the lotus flower is symbol of purity and wisdom. 3.) Construct a lotus blossom lantern. Downloads include visual guides and instructions, a slide show activity, and stencil.

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Create a Simulated Woodblock Print
Students will be able to identify, compare and contrast images of traditional Japanese woodblock prints. They will then create their own simulated woodblock prints. Downloads include activities, slideshow and guides.

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Create a Thai Style Shadow Puppet
Create your own shadow puppet and perform a scene from the Ramayana. Downloads include an activity guide, templates, and a slideshow.

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