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Getty Museum

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Art, Anti-Art, Non-Art: Experimentations in the Public Sphere in Postwar Japan, 1950-1970
Online presentation of a 2007 exhibition highlighting "a dynamic phase of avant-garde art in postwar Japan, which was characterized by self-reflection and multimedia experimentation." With 7 topics -- 1) Experimental Workshop/Jikeen Kōbō; 2) Gutai Art Association; 3) Sōgetsu Art Center; 4) Fluxus/Tokyo; 5) Butoh and Angura Theaters; 6) Bikyōtō; 7) E.A.T. -- and nine works from the exhibition. See the ADDITIONAL INFORMATION link at the right for a timeline of postwar Japanese art movements (.pdf file).

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Asian Influences on European Art
Explore with your class Asian influences on European art in the 18th century in this lesson plan. Discover ways to engage your students in the investigation of chinoiserie, the cultural and artistic trend that produced objects and paintings reflecting Chinese subjects and motifs. In its broadest sense, chinoiserie was meant to evoke the spirit and decorative forms of faraway lands as diverse as China, Japan, India, and the Middle East.

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China on Paper: European and Chinese Works from the Late Sixteenth to the Early Nineteenth Century
Online presentation of a 2007-08 exhibition presenting "works on paper from the special collections of the Research Library at the Getty Research Institute that document the fascinating story of cultural exchanges between Chinese and Europeans in the early-modern era." With text discussing the key role that Jesuit missionaries in China played in the story of this exchange, illustrated with six works from the exhibition.

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Imagining the Orient
Online presentation of a 2004-05 exhibition that "explores 18th-century Europe's fascination with the Orient and showcases works crafted in Europe and Asia that vividly demonstrate the exchange of arts and ideas between the East and West." With three topics -- 1) Travel & Trade; 2) Imitation & Invention; 3) Pillement and Prints -- and seven objects from the exhibition. Six of these objects feature an audio or video discussion of the work. See the MORE ABOUT CHINOISERIE link at the right for a related essay, "Imitation and Invention: The Story of the French Vase."

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