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The Huntington Archive of Buddhist and Asian Art

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Circle of Bliss: Buddhist Meditational Art
Online presentation of a 2004 exhibition, with images of art, artifacts, ritual objects and practices, and related diagrams organized into 13 topics covering a range of issues related to enlightenment, meditation, and other Buddhist practice. In-depth explanatory text for all topics and images. Most of the artworks are from Tibet, Nepal, India, and China.

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From Heaven and Earth: Chinese Jade in Context
Works in both jade and clay, divided into categories for which they were crafted.

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Meeting God: Elements of Hindu Devotion
India is a remarkably complex country. Throughout its several millennia of history, its many kingdoms, empires, invasions and trading contacts have created unparalleled cultural diversity.

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Picturing Power: Posters of the Cultural Revolution
A large collection of posters divided into several time periods.

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