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Harn Museum of Art, University of Florida

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Chinese Jades of the Qing Dynasty [PDF]
Collector fashions during the 18th century called for jade boulders to be left in their natural shapes and carved with landscape and figural designs. Similar to paintings, these boulders represented miniature worlds that could stimulate the scholar's imagination or provide a kind of mental retreat. Lesson plan.

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Dancing Ganesh [PDF]
Ganesha is one of the most popular and adored deities in the Hindu pantheon. Revered by Hindus as the “remover of obstacles,” he may be invoked at the beginning of any endeavor. He is also renowned as the patron of letters and the god of learning. The son of Shiva and Parvati, Ganesha’s origins and exploits are told in numerous stories. Ganesha is said to have received his elephant head after having his human one cut off accidentally by Shiva. Like many Hindu deities, Ganesha has multiple arms to hold his identifying attributes. Lesson plan.

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Korean Art: Collecting Treasures
Korean Art: Collecting Treasures is an online exhibit that presents bronzes, ceramics, furniture, paintings, prints and sculpture from the Harn’s collections. The exhibition features donations from General James Van Fleet (1892-992) to the Harn in 1988. Highlights from the Van Fleet collection include hanging scroll masterpieces by Kim Hongdo (1745 - c.1806), Jang Seung-eop (1843-1897), and Kim Eunho (1892-1979), each noteworthy for their quality and rarity in Western collections.

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Nature and Art in Asia [PDF]
Family guide to works from China, Japan, and India.

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Samuel P. Harn Museum of Art, University of Florida: Asian Collection
Seven selected works from the Harn Museum's Asian art collection: three sculptures (India, 13th C; Pakistan, 4-5th C.; Nepal, 13th C), two decorative art objects (a Ming dynasty vase and a Tang dynasty bronze mirror), and two paintings from the mid-20th century (China, India). All objects have short descriptions.

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