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The Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens

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The Morikami Museum and Japanese Gardens: Garden Guide
An introduction to the Japanese gardens at the Morikami Museum in Delray Beach, Florida -- "a series of six diverse gardens, each inspired by a different historical period and type of Japanese garden." Download the GARDEN GUIDE (.pdf) at the top of the page or select from the menu at the top left for more in-depth information about the gardens, a statement from the gardens' designer, and a Bonsai exhibit (with photographs). Also see the EDUCATION section for information about the Japanese Tea Ceremony.

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The Yamato Colony: Pioneering Japanese in Florida
"Yamato —an ancient name for the country of Japan. Why do we find the name here in Palm Beach County? Because Yamato, Florida, was a small community where Japanese farmers once lived. The story of Yamato begins with Jo Sakai's visit to Florida in 1903." Online presentation of a permanent exhibition at the Morikami Museum in Florida. Informative text with a few small historical photographs.

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