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Nagoya Broadcasting Network

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Nagoya TV Ukiyo-e Museum
A virtual museum of ukiyo-e prints from the collection of the Nagoya Broadcasting Network. "The collection not only contains prints beginning with Hishikawa Moronobu, who is considered to be the founder of Ukiyo-e, going all the way to prints from around the end of the Edo Period, but also contains local prints such as Kamigata-e, Nagasaki-e, Yokohama-e Kaika-e (blossoming prints), as well as more recent prints from the Meiji, Taisho, and Showa eras. As the works vary in diversity, one is able to trace the history of wood-block prints since the Edo Period." Select ENTER THE COLLECTION TO see works by a particular artist; select LIST OF THE COLLECTION to see works in a particular subject area (select from PORTRAIT, LANDSCAPE, KABUKI & SUMO, and ECCENTRIC CHARACTERS at the top of the page). With descriptions in Japanese and English.

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