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Muromachi Period (1392–1573) |
A brief overview of cultural and artistic developments during the Muromachi period, when members of the Ashikaga family occupied the position of shogun. The Muromachi era was characterized by social and political upheaval, but it was also a time of economic and artistic innovation. With 6 related artworks.
Go to Museum Resource: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/muro/hd_muro.htm | |
Musical Instruments of the Indian Subcontinent |
A brief overview of musical traditions in South Asia: "The music of the Indian subcontinent is usually divided into two major traditions of classical music: Hindustani music of Northern India and Karnatak music of Southern India, although many regions of India also have their own musical traditions that are independent of these." With images of 16 instruments.
Go to Museum Resource: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/indi/hd_indi.htm | |
Music and Art of China |
"China provides some of the earliest traces of music making. These are mainly in the form of well-preserved musical instruments, the tangible evidence of music. Over several millennia, musical instruments from regional indigenous traditions as well as from India and Central and West Asia were assimilated into the mainstream of Chinese music. Some of the most ancient instruments have been retained, transformed, or revived throughout the ages and many are in common use even today, testifying to a living legacy of a durable art." With 19 related artworks.
Go to Museum Resource: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/much/hd_much.htm | |
Nature Within Walls: The Chinese Garden Court at The Metropolitan Museum of Art |
An illustrated 28-page teacher's guide that can be downloaded in .pdf format. The guide "provides background material about gardens and nature in Chinese culture ... Also included are suggestions for topics of discussion and relevant activities for use in the classroom. This material is meant to draw students’ attention to some of the key features of the garden and to help them understand how these details can embody fundamental cultural concepts. A glossary and a list of bibliographic and other resources provide handy references."
Go to Museum Resource: https://www.metmuseum.org/learn/educators/curriculum-resources/nature-within-wa... | |
Neolithic Period in China |
A brief discussion of the material culture of China's neolithic period (ca. BCE 10,000-2000), specifically painted pottery and jade carvings. WIth 3 related artworks.
Go to Museum Resource: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/cneo/hd_cneo.htm | |
Show All 192 Results (Text Only) |