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The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Rinpa Painting Style
A brief introduction to the Rinpa school of painting, which was "a key part of the revival in the Edo period of indigenous Japanese artistic interests described by the term yamato-e." With 5 related artworks and links to related essays about yamato-e painting and seasonal imagery in Japanese art.

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The Rise of Modernity in South Asia
A brief overview of artistic developments in South Asia during the 20th century. With image of one related artwork.

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A brief introduction to the bushi or samurai of Japan. With 3 related artworks.

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Scholar-Officials of China
A discussion of the scholar-official in Chinese cultural history. With 8 related artworks.

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Seasonal Imagery in Japanese Art
A discussion of seasonal imagery in Japanese art, with an emphasis on the importance of Shinto, Zen Buddhism, and poetry. With 9 related artworks.

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Shang and Zhou Dynasties: The Bronze Age of China
A discussion of material culture during China's Bronze Age, which began around BCE 2000. Bronze production is discussed at length, along with jade carving. With 9 related artworks.

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A brief introduction to Shintō. With 4 related artworks.

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Shoguns and Art
A discussion of shoguns and their role in the artistic and cultural history of Japan from the late 12th century until the end of the Edo period (1868). With 9 related artworks.

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