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The Metropolitan Museum of Art

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Timeline of Art History: South Asia and the Himalayan Region, 1900 A.D.–present
"India struggles for independence from colonial British rule through the early twentieth century, finally gaining its freedom in 1947. At this time, it is decided that a separate Muslim nation will be formed in the areas with the greatest Muslim populations." With a period overview, list of key events, and 7 related artworks. Also has links to an abridged list of Islamic rulers and timelines of Central and North Asia, China, and Southeast Asia during this time.

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Timeline of Art History: South Asia (North), 1000–1400 A.D.
"Buddhism fades as a powerful force in most parts of the north, while Islam finds its place within the South Asian cultural and religious landscape." With a period overview, list of key events, and 6 related artworks. Also has links to timelines of the Himalayan Region, South Asia (South), and Southeast Asia during this time.

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Timeline of Art History: South Asia (North), 500–1000 A.D.
"The religion that we now call Hinduism begins to take recognizable shape in this period and is patronized by the powerful regional kingdoms that rise up in the wake of Gupta power." With a period overview, list of key events, and 7 related artworks. Also has links to timelines of the Himalayan Region, South Asia (South), and Southeast Asia during this time.

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Timeline of Art History: South Asia (South), 1000–1400 A.D.
"Central India remains contested by various major powers—each developing a distinctive but related artistic style—until the ascendancy of Turkish–Central Asian dynasties at the end of the period." With a period overview, list of key events, and 7 related artworks. Also has links to timelines of the Himalayan Region, South Asia (North), and Southeast Asia during this time.

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Timeline of Art History: South Asia (South), 500–1000 A.D.
"The religion that we now call Hinduism begins to take recognizable shape in this period and is patronized by the dynamic regional kingdoms—Pallava, Pandya, Chalukya, and Chola—that rise up in the wake of Gupta power." With a period overview, list of key events, and 6 related artworks. Also has links to timelines of the Himalayan Region, South Asia (North), and Southeast Asia during this time.

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Timeline of Art History: Southeast Asia, 1000–1400 A.D.
"The Khmer capital at Angkor is the center of a powerful, opulent empire that includes most of continental Southeast Asia. The Angkor period is noted for the vast number of breathtaking monuments constructed from the late ninth to the thirteenth century." With a period overview, list of key events, and 9 related artworks. Also has links to timelines of Oceania and South Asia during this time.

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Timeline of Art History: Southeast Asia, 1000 B.C.–1 A.D.
"Villages evolve into settled cultures and, by the middle of this period, stratified societies with centralized rule have developed on mainland Southeast Asia." With a period overview, list of key events, and 6 related artworks. Also has links to timelines of Oceania and South Asia during this time.

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Timeline of Art History: Southeast Asia, 1400–1600 A.D.
"The Thai kingdom, centered on the capital city of Ayudhya, is a dominant polity in mainland Southeast Asia after the defeat of the Cambodian Khmer empire in 1431. Sculptures of Buddhas, walking and sitting, made of bronze and brass, are widely produced." With a period overview, list of key events, and 10 related artworks. Also has links to timelines of Oceania, South Asia, and the Himalayan Region during this time.

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