Show All 192 Results (Text Only) |
Joseon Buncheong Ware: Between Celadon and Porcelain |
A discussion of buncheong ware, "the striking ceramic type produced during the first 200 years of the Joseon dynasty (1392–1910)." With six related artworks.
Go to Museum Resource: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/pnch/hd_pnch.htm | |
Kamakura and Nanbokucho Periods (1185–1392) |
A brief introduction to the Kamakura and Nanbokucho periods, with a focus on political developments and the shift that occurred in the Japanese aesthetic during this time. With 5 related artworks.
Go to Museum Resource: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/kana/hd_kana.htm | |
The Kano School of Painting |
A brief overview of the Kano school, established by Kano Masanobu (1434-1530). Prominent for more than 300 years, the Kano school is considered to be the "longest lived and most influential school of painting in Japanese history." Closely associated with their powerful patrons, the Tokugawa shogunate, the Kano school prospered throughout the Edo period. With 3 related artworks.
Go to Museum Resource: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/kano/hd_kano.htm | |
The Kitano Tenjin Engi Emaki |
A multimedia learning website about a 13th-century Japanese handscroll that illustrates the legends of the Kitano Shrine (Kitano Tenjin Engi). Included are a short introduction to the Kitano Tenjin Engi Emaki and audio introduction to the pieces.
Go to Museum Resource: https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/45428 | |
Kofun Period (ca. 3rd century–538) |
An overview of cultural production during the Kofun period, which is named after the tomb mounds that were built for members of the ruling class during this time. With 5 related artworks.
Go to Museum Resource: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/kofu/hd_kofu.htm | |
Korean Buddhist Sculpture (5th–9th century) |
A discussion of Buddhism's introduction to the Korean peninsula in 372 CE and its influence on artistic developments during the Three Kingdoms period (BCE 57 - 668 CE), specifically in architecture and sculpture.
Go to Museum Resource: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/kobs/hd_kobs.htm | |
Krishna: Mythology and Worship |
Online presentation of a 2009 exhibition featuring "drawings, principally dating from the eighteenth-century...produced in the royal ateliers of the courts of Rajasthan and the Pahari hills of the Punjab. This exhibition provides unfettered insight into the creative process that underlies Indian miniature painting and signals the importance of the art of drawing in the later court arts of Hindu India." With images of 7 drawings from the exhibition.
Go to Museum Resource: https://www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/listings/2008/krishna | |
Kushan Empire (ca. 2nd century B.C.–3rd century A.D.) |
A brief overview of political and cultural developments in northwest India under the rule of the Kushans. With a map and 4 related artworks.
Go to Museum Resource: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/kush/hd_kush.htm | |
Show All 192 Results (Text Only) |