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Missouri Botanical Garden

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The Japanese Garden: Seiwa-en
An excellent online tour of the Missouri Botanical Garden's Japanese garden. Scroll to the bottom of this Introduction page to see 25 additional pages introducing each aspect of the garden, from the Entrance (#1) and Blue Boulder Cascade (#2) to the Kasuga Lantern (#24) and Stone Boat Basin (#25). With photographs throughout.

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The Margaret Grigg Nanjing Friendship Garden
An excellent online tour of the Missouri Botanical Garden's Chinese garden. Scroll to the bottom of this Introduction page to see links to four more pages about Chinese gardens in general (An Ancient Tradition; A Frame and Focus; Mountains and Water; Plants as Symbols) plus four pages about specific aspects of this Chinese garden (The Moon Gate; Tai Hu Stones; The Pavilion; The Lotus Gate). With photographs throughout.

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