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Peabody Essex Museum

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Korean Art and Culture: A Teacher’s Sourcebook – Peabody Essex Museum [PDF]
Classroom resource on Korean culture, including art, art history, and religious studies. This sourcebook, which features the Korean Art Collection of the Peabody Essex Museum Salem, MA, contains vibrant images and informative essays about the collection. This sourcebook details many diverse forms of Korean art-- whether it be paper crafts, embroidery, or pottery - you will be sure to learn something new! Also included in this resource is a glossary of symbols (which are abundant in Korean art). The Peabody Essex Museum has much to offer and assist you in sharing Korean art and culture with your students.

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Teacher’s Sourcebook for Chinese Art and Culture [PDF]
Provides an excellent introduction to Chinese history and religions along with a section on “Chinese Porcelain in World Trade History.”

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Yin Yu Tang: A Chinese Home
"Yin Yu Tang, a late Qing dynasty merchants' house, was originally located in southeastern China. Re-erected at the Peabody Essex Museum, Yin Yu Tang is now open to visitors." This companion website to the permanent installation at the museum allows visitors to explore "this rare example of the region's renowned architecture and to learn about the daily life of the Huang family, who lived in Yin Yu Tang for over 200 years." With in-depth text, images, and diagrams organized around the topics Orientation, Construction, Ornamentation, Belongings, and Preservation. Uses Flash.

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