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Philadelphia Museum of Art

Show All 3 Results (Text Only)
Learning from Asian Art: China
"This online resource introduces students to Chinese art and culture as they explore works in the Museum’s collection. Each art image is accompanied by background information, a set of looking questions, and related classroom activity suggestions that students can use individually, in small groups, or as a whole class." With 10 images, plus a map, timeline, and list of recommended print resources and websites.

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Learning from Asian Art: Japan
"This online resource introduces students to Japanese art and culture as they explore works in the Philadelphia Museum’s collection. Each art image is accompanied by background information, a set of looking questions, and related classroom activity suggestions that students can use individually, in small groups, or as a whole class." With 10 images, plus a map, timeline, and list of recommended print resources and websites.

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Learning from Asian Art: Korea
"This online resource introduces students to Korean art and culture as they explore works in the Philadephia Museum’s collection. Each art image is accompanied by background information, a set of looking questions, and related classroom activity suggestions that students can use individually, in small groups, or as a whole class." With 14 images, plus a map, timeline, and list of recommended print resources and websites.

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