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Seattle Art Museum

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Explore Korea: A Visit to Grandfather's House [PDF]
"The unit theme of Explore Korea: A Visit to Grandfather's House links traditional objects from Korean households to their original setting within a certain area of the house and to their purpose in this culture." With seven classroom activities for K-5 levels.

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How does Art Tell Stories?
Game about gods from India and Southeast Asia. See Ganesa dance, and discover why Vishnu changes into a boar and Buddha has a bump on his head. After learning about gods from India and Southeast Asia, use this guide for discussing the sculpture, Hinduism, Buddhism and for leading related activities. The unit theme links visual art with language arts, and in some activities with performing arts. Questions and discussion ideas, classroom activities, stories, glossary, and other resources are included. (Activities on Buddha, Vishnu, Hinduism and Buddhism.)

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