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Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas

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Art of the Edo Period Lesson Plan - Chawan Tea Bowl
See site for lesson plans on this museum object.

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Art of the Edo Period Lesson Plan - Inro Case with Fox Wedding Scene
See site for lesson plans on this museum object.

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Art of the Edo Period Lesson Plan - Mitsukuni Defying the Skeleton Spectre Woodcut
See site for lesson plans on this museum object.

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Art of the Qing Dynasty Lesson Plan - Fish-Basket Guanyin
See site for lesson plans on this museum object.

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Art of the Showa Period Lesson Plan - Misty Day in Nikkō Woodcut
See site for lesson plans on this museum object.

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Art of the Song Dynasty Lesson Plan - Head of a Bodhisattva
See site for lesson plans on this museum object.

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