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Victoria and Albert Museum

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"Japan has a very rich textile history, a major focus of interest and artistic expression being the kimono. Meaning 'the thing worn,' the term kimono was first adopted in the mid-19th century." A special feature about the kimono, with in-depth discussions of the kimono's history, production (weaving, dyeing, embroidery), and decoration (symbols and motifs), plus 51 kimonos from the V&A's collection.

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Korean Art & Society
Three short (2-minute), silent videos to introduce three topics related to Korean art and society: 1) Buddhism's influence on Korean art; 2) Korean writing; 3) Decorative objects as symbols of power and ritual. See also: Videos Resources.

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Pictures of the Floating World
"Ukiyo-e means 'Pictures of the Floating World.' Images of everyday Japan mass-produced for popular consumption in the Edo period (1615-1868), they represent one of the high points of Japanese cultural achievement." A special feature on ukiyo-e discussing the following topics: 1) What are Ukiyo-e?; 2) The Production Process; 3) Popular Themes in Ukiyo-e Prints; and 4) Fan Prints; plus a selection of 30 prints with descriptions.

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Traditional Dress from East Asia
An introduction to the traditional clothing of Japan, China, and Korea. With four examples and two patterns (for a kimono and a dragon robe).

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Victoria and Albert Museum: Asia Collection
Explore the V&A Museum's online collection of Asian art by reading about 16 featured objects or by using the Search the Collections function (top item in left column). Currently there are more than 5,000 objects online in the Asia collection. All images enlarge, and most have descriptions. Also see the ASIA FEATURES section for discussions of 12 Asia-related topics.

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