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University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology

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The Ban Chiang Project
"Scientific excavation by the Penn Museum and the Thai Fine Arts Department took place at the site of Ban Chiang in northeast Thailand in 1974 and 1975. These excavations uncovered a thriving and hitherto unknown prehistoric culture dating from 5000 years ago and led to the rewriting of Southeast Asian prehistory. The Metal Age village and mortuary site of Ban Chiang is in the province of Udon Thani in northeastern Thailand. The Ban Chiang Project's studies cover the Inital Period of occupation (? - 2100 BCE) to the Late Period (300 BCE - 200 CE). "Ban Chiang is a village/mortuary site in northern northeast Thailand, in the province of Udon Thani. Excavated by Chet Gorman of the University of Pennsylvania Museum and Pisit Charoenwongsa of the Thai Fine Arts Department in 1974-1975, this extraordinary site was among the first to establish the existence not only of a hitherto unknown prehistoric culture, but also of a separate bronze age in Southeast Asia." See the FINDINGS section for descriptions and images of the many objects excavated from this site.

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The Silk Roads in History
“There is an endless popular fascination with the “Silk Roads,” the historic routes of economic and cultural exchange across Eurasia. The phrase in our own time has been used as a metaphor for Central Asian oil pipelines, and it it common advertising copy for the romantic exoticism of expensive adventure travel. One would think that, in the century and a third since the German geographer Ferdinand von Richthofen coined the term to describe what for him was a quite specific route of east-west trade some 2,000 years ago, there might be some consensus as to what and when the Silk Roads were. Yet, as the Penn Museum exhibition of Silk Road artifacts demonstrates, we are still learning about that history, and many aspects of it are subject to vigorous scholarly debate.” An excellent rich site on the Silk Roads.

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