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Featured Topic: Art & Trade on the Silk Road

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Traveling the Silk Road: Is the Silk Road an example of globalization? [PDF]
The Field Museum
In this lesson plan students will explore the “Silk Road” trade networks through museum resources and a reenactment of exchange along the route.

Go to Museum Resource: https://www.fieldmuseum.org/sites/default/files/silk_road_activity.pdf
Traveling the Silk Road: Take a Journey
American Museum of Natural History
An online "travel journal" to introduce visitors to the 2010 AMNH exhibition on the Silk Road. With an interactive series of articles covering "stops" in Baghdad, Samarkand, Turfan, and Xi'an. The section on Xi'an covers silk-making and music of the Tang-dynasty era.

Go to Museum Resource: https://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/traveling-the-silk-road/take-a-journey
Treasures Along the Silk Roads
Asia Society
Lesson plan in which students generate word maps that act as creative writing prompts, using images of art objects from the Silk Roads.

Go to Museum Resource: http://asiasociety.org/education-learning/resources-schools/secondary-lesson-pl...
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