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Ling Long Woman's Magazine (Shanghai, 1931 to 1937)
Columbia University, Libraries
A digital archive of Ling Long Women's Magazine, "originally published in Shanghai from 1931 to 1937 and of significant scholarly research value in several disciplines." With extensive background information about the magazine and the social and cultural context in which it was produced.

Go to Museum Resource: http://www.columbia.edu/cu/lweb/digital/collections/linglong/index.html
When Gold Blossoms: Indian Jewelry from the Susan L. Beningson Collection
Asia Society
Online presentation of a 2004-2005 exhibition of Indian jewelry, with a focus on jewelry for women and deities. The site features more than 22 objects, mostly from the 18th and 19th centuries. Includes topical text on women, deities, and jewelers and jewelry-making techniques, but there is no descriptive text for individual objects.

Go to Museum Resource: http://sites.asiasociety.org/arts/indianjewelry/index.html
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
"During the Edo Period (1615-1868), a uniquely Japanese art form developed known as ukiyo-e, or 'pictures of the floating world.' A Buddhist concept, ukiyo originally suggested the sadness (uki) of life (yo). But during the peace and prosperity of the 17th century, another ideograph, also pronounced uki but meaning "to float," emerged. Instead of connoting sadness, ukiyo came to be associated with the momentary, worldly pleasures of Japan's rising middle class." Brief introductory text and 362 prints from the MIA collection, plus a short video (Pictures of the Floating World) and two featured collections of images: 1) Images of Women by Kitagawa Utamaro; 2) Rain in Woodblock Prints.

Go to Museum Resource: http://archive.artsmia.org/art-of-asia/explore/explore-collection-ukiyo-e.cfm
Prints & Photographs Online Catalog: Fine Prints, Japanese, pre-1915
Library of Congress
"The Library's Prints and Photographs Division houses more than 2,500 woodblock prints and drawings by Japanese artists of the seventeenth through early twentieth centuries including Hiroshige, Kuniyoshi, Sadahide, and Yoshiiku. ... About seventy percent of the collection is currently available online." The BACKGROUND AND SCOPE section has selections from the collection organized into the following categories: Actors; Women; Landscapes; Scenes from Japanese Literature; Daily Life; Views of Western Foreigners. Also with brief discussions of ukiyo-e and Yokohama-e prints, the latter being the images of foreigners in the port city of Yokohama produced by Japanese artists following the 1852-54 expedition of Commodore Matthew Perry (1794-1858).

Go to Museum Resource: http://www.loc.gov/pictures/collection/jpd
The Floating World of Ukiyo-e: Shadows, Dreams, and Substance
Library of Congress
Online presentation of a 2003 exhibition showcasing the Library's holdings of Japanese prints, books, and drawings from the 17th to the 19th century. Images organized into the following categories: 1) Early Masters (1600-1740); 2) Major Genres: Beauties, Actors, and Landscapes; 3) Images and Literary Sources; 4) Realia and Reportage; 5) Japan and the West: Artistic Cross-Fertilization; 6) Beyond Ukiyo-e: Modern and Contemporary Japanese Prints. The EXHIBITION OVERVIEW provides historical background about ukiyo-e.

Go to Museum Resource: http://www.loc.gov/exhibits/ukiyo-e/
Felice Beato's Japan: People, An Album by the Pioneer Foreign Photographer in Yokohama
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Visualizing Cultures
"These photos of men and women from different walks of life catered to foreign curiosity about the 'exotic' Japanese. Most were taken in [Felice] Beato's studio in Yokohama." All images with captions transcribed verbatim from the ca. 1869 album. With an in-depth essay by Alona C. Wilson.

Go to Museum Resource: http://ocw.mit.edu/ans7870/21f/21f.027/beato_people/index.html
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