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Featured Topic: The Mandala

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Yamantaka Mandala
Minneapolis Institute of Arts
With an introduction to the mandala; a guide to the symbolism of the Minneapolis Institute's Yamantaka mandala, created by Tibetan monks from the Gyuto Tantric University; a step-by-step guide to the mandala's creation; plus technical details about the preservation of the mandala, a short video documentary of the mandala consecration ceremony, and background information about Tibet. See also Teacher's Guide.

Go to Museum Resource: http://archive.artsmia.org/art-of-asia/buddhism/yamantaka-mandala.cfm
Exploring the Mandala: Symbols of the Universe
Asia Society
A background essay for teachers about mandalas: "Buddhist devotional images often deemed a diagram or symbol of an ideal universe."

Go to Museum Resource: http://asiasociety.org/countries-history/traditions/exploring-mandala
Mandala Sand Painting: Creating an Enlightened World
Asia Society
Over a 10-day period In September 2003 the Tibetan monks of Drepung Loseling Monastery constructed a sand mandala – a sacred cosmogram – "in commemoration of September 11 and as an offering of peace and healing to the people of New York City." This archive website includes images showing day-by-day construction of the mandala, as well as the original press release describing the event, an interview with Geshe Lobsang Tenzin, founder and director of Drepung Loseling Institute, and a Teacher's Guide to the Mandala.

Go to Museum Resource: http://sites.asiasociety.org/arts/mandala/index.html
Create Your Own Mandala
Asian Art Museum of San Francisco
The act of creating the mandala can be a quiet, meditative act, as well; drawing repeating patterns, especially of meaningful images or symbols, can be a calming experience that helps keep the artist centered and focused.

Go to Museum Resource: https://education.asianart.org/resources/create-your-own-mandala/
Japanese Mandalas: Emanations and Avatars
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Online presentation of a 2009 exhibition on the mandalas of Japanese Esoteric Buddhism. With images of 25 artworks, mostly from the 12th to the 14th century.

Go to Museum Resource: http://www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/listings/2009/japanese-mandalas
Mandala: The Perfect Circle
Rubin Museum of Art
In this online version of the museum's "Explore Mandalas" gallery activity, users can learn about the elements of a painted mandala while creating a beautiful design of their own. Uses Flash.

Go to Museum Resource: http://mandala.rma2.org/index.html
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