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Featured Topic: Music & Musical Instruments

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Jiahu (ca. 7000–5700 B.C.)
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
A brief discussion of the archaeological site of Jiahu, in Henan province, where fragments of 30 flutes were discovered. Six of these flutes represent the earliest examples of playable musical instruments ever found.

Go to Museum Resource: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/jiah/hd_jiah.htm
Music and Art of China
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
"China provides some of the earliest traces of music making. These are mainly in the form of well-preserved musical instruments, the tangible evidence of music. Over several millennia, musical instruments from regional indigenous traditions as well as from India and Central and West Asia were assimilated into the mainstream of Chinese music. Some of the most ancient instruments have been retained, transformed, or revived throughout the ages and many are in common use even today, testifying to a living legacy of a durable art." With 19 related artworks.

Go to Museum Resource: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/much/hd_much.htm
The Qin
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
An introduction to the qin, a type of zither that is "the most prestigious of China's instruments." "Chinese lore" holds that the qin dates back to the third millennium BCE.

Go to Museum Resource: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/mqin/hd_mqin.htm
Celebrate Cambodian Khmer Festival and Wedding Music
Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
Through active listening, discussions of cultural context, and re-creating ostinati and pentatonic melodies, students will experience two contrasting examples of the music of the Khmer people of Cambodia.

Go to Museum Resource: https://folkways.si.edu/celebrate-cambodia-khmer-festival-wedding/music/tools-f...
Chinese Instruments
The Kennedy Center, ArtsEdge
An audio series that "explore[s] unique aspects of Chinese music through sounds, performance and interviews." Featuring three episodes on "the endangered music of the Yunnan peoples; the tradtional sounds of the pipa, bamboo flute, qin and other Chinese instruments; and the creative space between them, where sounds ancient and avant-garde intersect."

Go to Museum Resource: https://artsedge.kennedy-center.org/educators/lessons/grade-3-4/Chinese_Instrum...
Discovering the East of China: Chinese Music in Elementary School
Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
Chinese music consists of many regional traditions that differ in form, style, quality and repertory (Lau, 2008). This curricular unit introduces some difang yinyue (regional music of China) and encourages children to discover characteristics of Chinese music by “travelling” around the eastern region of this country.

Go to Museum Resource: https://folkways.si.edu/discovering-east-china-elementary-school/lullaby-vocal-...
Experiences in Music of Northern India
Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
Students will be introduced to the music of India with a focus on introductory terminology, elemental concepts, and instrument identification through various singing, listening and playing opportunities.

Go to Museum Resource: https://folkways.si.edu/gateway-experiences-north-india/classical/music/tools-f...
An Exploratory Short Course in Tuvan Throat Singing
Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
An introductory course exploring “throat singing” (or overtone singing) as practiced and performed by the people of Tuva. We will explore this truly unique style of vocal production through attentive listening, watching video and practicing techniques and types of throat singing.

Go to Museum Resource: https://folkways.si.edu/exploratory-short-course-tuvan-throat-singing/folk/musi...
Indian Music and the Sitar
Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
Students will experience traditional Indian music and internalize it by moving to it. There will be an opportunity to listen to, play and dance to sitar music and raga.

Go to Museum Resource: https://folkways.si.edu/indian-sitar/classical/music/tools-for-teaching/smithso...
An Introduction to the Music of Mongolia
Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
Students will be introduced to the music of Mongolia through several activities looking into different aspects of Mongolian music. Students will be introduced to the sound of the Morin Khuur (horse-head fiddle), the techniques of Khöömei (throat singing), and given an opportunity to play a traditional Mongolian song with western instruments.

Go to Museum Resource: https://folkways.si.edu/introduction-mongolia/throat-singing/music/tools-for-te...
Melodic Rhythms of India
Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
Introduce students to the melodic rhythms of the tabla tarang, classical drumming from India, through music and movement. Learn to improvise the jati system of vocalizing rhythms.

Go to Museum Resource: https://folkways.si.edu/melodic-rhythms-india/jati-tabla-tarang/music/tools-for...
Musical Hooves on the Steppes: Morin Huur of Mongolia
Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
Explore rural nomadic life in Mongolia and the highly impressionistic music and arts of the Central Asian steppes. Students learn to imitate sounds of the natural environment through improvised dance, instrumental performance, and throat-singing.

Go to Museum Resource: https://folkways.si.edu/hooves-on-steppes-morin-huur-mongolia/throat-singing/mu...
Musical Instruments of the Indian Subcontinent
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
A brief overview of musical traditions in South Asia: "The music of the Indian subcontinent is usually divided into two major traditions of classical music: Hindustani music of Northern India and Karnatak music of Southern India, although many regions of India also have their own musical traditions that are independent of these." With images of 16 instruments.

Go to Museum Resource: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/indi/hd_indi.htm
The Pipa
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
An introduction to the Chinese pipa, a four-string plucked lute that "descends from West and Central Asian prototypes and appeared in China during the Northern Wei dynasty (386–534)."

Go to Museum Resource: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/pipa/hd_pipa.htm
The Rag-dung (Cloisonné Trumpets)
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
A brief overview of the history of the Tibetan rag-dung, "long trumpets played in pairs for morning and evenings calls to prayer, preludes, and processions. ... By the Ming dynasty, the rag-dung may have been used in court rituals, as the elegantly decorated examples illustrated here attest."

Go to Museum Resource: http://www.metmuseum.org/toah/hd/dung/hd_dung.htm
Shintaro-san of the Mountain: Mountains, Minyo, and Japanese Culture
Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
This tutorial provides an introductory view into Japanese traditional ballads or folksongs, known as minyo, and folktales involving the cultural heritage of Japanese mountains. Basic background of Japanese traditional music and Japanese mountain folklore will be discussed; musical activities, experiences, and stories support this lesson.

Go to Museum Resource: https://folkways.si.edu/shintaro-san-of-the-mountain-mountains-minyo-and-japane...
Silk and Bamboo: Music and Art of China
The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Online presentation of a 2009-2010 exhibition that "celebrates the musical heritage of China—one of the oldest continuously documented traditions with roots reaching back more than eight thousand years. Featuring some sixty objects and illustrations ... Silk and Bamboo: Music and Art of China reveals the dynamic interplay of cultures, the continuity of musical practice, and the diversity of China's musical traditions from the fifth century B.C. to the present." With images of 18 objects, mostly dating from the Ming and Qing dynasties.

Go to Museum Resource: https://www.metmuseum.org/exhibitions/listings/2009/silk-and-bamboo
Soran Bushi: Exploring Japanese Work Song
Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
Soran Bushi, a Japanese work song, allows for exploration into Japanese culture (work song/environment/nature) as well as exploration in creative composition/arranging. This unit takes students on an aural journey from the boats of the Hokkaido fishermen to their own perspective & interpretation, giving students a sense of pulse and rhythm as they compose and arrange, inspired by Japanese traditional music.

Go to Museum Resource: https://folkways.si.edu/soran-bushi-exploring-japanese-work-song/music/tools-fo...
Vocal Elysia in Indonesia
Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage
Vocal music is a key expression in many cultures. It often ties an ancestral past (history, identity, ritual) to the present through story-telling, text, song, and dance. This unit focuses on a selection of vocal music from Indonesia and asks students to explore the ways in the vocal music expresses culture. In doing so, this unit focuses on an Indonesian lullaby, a Sikka work song, and Kecak vocal orchestra.

Go to Museum Resource: https://folkways.si.edu/vocal-elysia-indonesia/lullabies-world/music/tools-for-...
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