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Taoism and the Arts of China [PDF]
Asian Art Museum of San Francisco
"This packet introduces Taoism, and its expression in Chinese art. What exactly is Taoism? (pronounced “dow-ism”) The “Tao” (pronounced “dow”) is change, motion, energy, the source of all matter and creation. It unfolds as the interaction of two kinds of energy (qi, pronounced “chee”), called yin and yang. These two energies interact in a state of constant movement. Taoism is a world of beliefs, writings, ceremonial practices, philosophies, and art that strives to harmonize the life of human beings with the forever and naturally changing universe. Like any religion or set of indigenous beliefs, Taoism has evolved over the centuries to encompass many ideas, mythologies and cultural practices."

Go to Museum Resource: https://education.asianart.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2019/09/Taoism-Teache...
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