OMuERAA (Online Museum EDUCATIONAL Resources in Asian Art) is an initiative of the Asia for Educators Program at Columbia University's Weatherhead East Asian Institue. AFE is funded by the U.S. Department of Education and the Freeman Foundation.

OMuRAA's purpose is to make the wealth of educational materials that are now available on the websites of many museums and arts-related educational institutions better known to teachers and students of Asian studies.

*The orginal "OMuRAA," which the current OMuERAA replaces, was launched when very few museums were putting their visual resources online. It tried to include all exhibits of Asian art. This current site, OMuERAA, cocuses now only on material that the editors judge is particularly useful for the general education classroom. (Partial support for the production of the original OMuRAA was provided by The Blakemore Foundation's Frances Blakemore Asian Art Grant.)

OMuERAA is organized into four main sections:


The Online Educational Units section allows users to search all entries in 3 ways:

New users might give special attention to the Metropolitan Museum of Art (MMA) in New York's Timeline of Art History with works of art and related Thematic Essays, as very comprehensive.


The Featured Topics section presents special exhibitions and teaching resources relevant to specific topics of interest to teachers to teachers and students of Asian studies and world history.


The Religions in Asia section identifies teaching units and exhibits focused on the many religions practiced in Asia. The resources included here are among the best online resources for introducing these religions in the classroom.

MUSEUMS and Educational Institutions on OMuERAA

A list of all museums and art-related educational institutions included on OMuERAA is available in alphabetical order, allowing users to search in advance for resources that may be offered by institutions near them.

We have attempted to include a broad and inclusive selection of the best online educational resources produced by museums and art-related educational institutions. The vast number of existing resources and the speed with which new resources are being produced will mean, however, that on any specific visit to this website a visitor may find that we are missing resources that he or she knows about. In such cases, we ask visitors to please let us know through the contact form below or by emailing "afe" (at symbol) "columbia" (period character) "edu".